Monday, November 26, 2018




“Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever.” Psalms 107:1
These words were written thousands of years ago but they remain so true to this very day. There have been a lot of hard days in the last three month around camp, finding out Chief Josh has cancer, that Chief Matt would need to have brain surgery again, and still not knowing exactly what is going on with Miss Annie. But despite it all, God’s love endures forever and I know he is in control. I am thankful for Jesus that he came and died for us so that we may have life more abundantly. I am thankful for the way Chief Josh, Chief Matt and Miss Annie charge into everyday with faith and hope. I am thankful for this staff team that is my family and for how much they love and care for each other. I am thankful for each and everyone one of you boys, that you made the choice to come to camp, that you were able to recognize that you were in need to some kind of help and are now working on learning successful tools for living. I am thankful for Turkey in the Hole and the great spirited day it is and that so many people locally are catching the spirit of camp. I am thankful that Casey was able to be an auctioneer yesterday. Lastly, for now, I am thankful for my favorite chapel of all the year (this one) and being in this beautiful hammock listening to all of your articles.
Chief Tyler
Camp Supervisor

Things I’m Thankful For

I’m thankful for how my Chiefs never give up on my problems. Something I am also thankful for is my mom and grandparents never quitting even when things get tough or when I’m being stubborn. I am thankful for the cooks because they never have a quitting attitude and because of their delicious food. Something that I’m thankful for is that Casey always sticks in and forgives us no matter what. I am very thankful for my family always trying to cheer me up when I’m a bad attitude. I’m thankful for Jesus coming to earth to cover up all of our sins. I’m also thankful for my mom keeping a roof over my head and giving me clothes and food. I am thankful for all of camp and the people who support camp so we can make progress. I am also thankful for my education that I get every day. Something that I’m very grateful for is my relationship with my family and friends. I am very thankful for my family changing so it is easier for me to change.
Miccosukee Group